Sunday, July 21, 2013

Reader Report: More Unexplained Breathing

"I, too, had the 'breathing' experience," reports Brenda in response to my Breathing Demon story. "I rented an old house, around 100 years old, but I just fell in love with it. One night, after I got off the phone with my boyfriend, the breathing started. Inhale...exhale --just as you described. Only it was really loud, and sounded like it was coming from everywhere around me. I never could pinpoint the source. I ended up cowering on the bathroom floor until it stopped. It seemed to go on forever, but in actuality, was probably only a few minutes.

"A few months later on, it did it again. This time it didn't last quite as long as the first time. It was a really strange and scary event. Only one more thing happened that I couldn't explain. One morning, just as it was beginning to get daylight, I heard someone digging with a shovel right outside my living room window. I opened the door to ask my landlord what he was doing digging so early in the morning. The sound immediately stopped, and there was no one out there. Some things you just can't explain, right?"

Right, Brenda. Here's more mysterious breathing:

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