Saturday, October 20, 2012

Close Encounter With A "Primate Spaceman�? - Caravaca Files

On August 26, 1964, doctor José Juan Rivera was the protagonist in an amazing close encounter with an unknown entity in Algeciras (Cadiz, Spain). That afternoon the gynecologist of 26 years had gone with his motorcycle to the secluded Punta Carnero, where there is a lighthouse that serves the Strait of Gibraltar.Rivera drove slowly along the narrow road, eventually entering a deviation. He was surprised by a disquieting silence throughout the area. He then observed, two meters away, a strange creature that moved in great jumps.It was a creature of about 1.5 meter high, covered with tight garb that could have been his own fur.It had a thick skull with large black eyes, and very long arms which remained rigid, held close to the body. The witness said it appeared to be a monkey. The facial features appeared human-like. jac2.jpg"But the creature seemed to float above the ground, before disappearing in the bushes," said Rivera. When the doctor got closer, he saw, hidden in the undergrowth, a strange artifact, fifteen meters in diameter, matte gray with a backdoor.On the back were two bumps like those of a Cadillac automobile. In the front was a glass dome.jac3.jpgRivera took a picture with his camera and made a slide of the artifact. Suddenly, all Rivera’s courage vanished and a terrible panic seized him.He drove away on his motorcycle. For 12 years the valuable slide remained in a drawer in the Rivera home until he took it to a medical conference held in Malaga in 1978, where a well-known and respected doctor “borrowed" the slide (allegedly for analysis). Despite the insistent requests by Dr. Rivera, his image was never returned.

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